According to Prime Minister Dr. Hon. Ralph Gonsalves in his most recent publication, ‘The Making of the Comrade’, the social democratic outlook embraced by his party and relevant to St. Vincent & the Grenadines is one that embraces the idea of the people being the most important resource in the country. He proceeds to state, “Accordingly, the greatest efforts must be made to develop their talents, abilities, and skills and to ensure their health” – (page 384, paragraph 3).
Political ideologies are never to be embraced dogmatically, however, there are those “propositions, ideas, beliefs, and tenets” comprising these ideologies which are occasionally worth prime real estate in the depths of our hearts.
It is in reading this book that I now have a clearer portrait of our Prime Minister’s very high standards and expectations, particularly as they pertain to performance and productivity. I can now confidently say that the Comrade’s development paradigm and professional standards justify my disappointment in the performance of the current Executive Committee of the St. Vincent & the Grenadines Football Federation (SVGFF).
Any sincere social commentator would seek to strike a balance between highlighting both the upbeat and downbeat aspects of a particular subject: This is precisely my story, yet many consider me “overly critical”, but I have truly exhausted my capacity for objectivity. So in my analysis of the SVGFF’s performance over the past five years, I substitute my personal standards with that of a neutral figure – ‘The Comrade’.
The Grassroots
The introduction of “The Grassroots Programme” which focuses on youth football development on a zoned basis is quite praiseworthy. Unfortunately for those of us who are still keenly anticipating the fruits of the programme, it seems to have already fallen significantly short on its result indicators – speculated to be the result of poor organization and inadequate funding.
In fact, while the zones now seem to be operating on an ad hoc basis, some zonal coaches are already showing signs of disillusionment with the programme’s disorganization and monotony. However, we must admit that the zonal approach of the programme remains for the most part unprecedented – earning the SVGFF a 60% grade on this particular initiative.
The Secretariat
The appointment of Mr. Ian Hypolite as the SVGFF’s first full-time General Secretary should also be applauded. The gentleman has worked very hard in my opinion, and has shown great proficiency. However, it is far more meaningful to be stellar in the execution of one’s specific duties than to under-achieve in seeking to fill-in for everyone else. I am convinced that Mr. Hypolite’s contribution as General Secretary could be far more meaningful within a more robust and organized executive unit. So in grading Mr. Hypolite’s appointment, his inability to perform optimally within his environment leaves the SVGFF with a grade of 50% on this particular matter.
Noble Intention, Pitiful Plan
With regards to the organization’s procurement and purchase of a single mobile floodlight unit costing well over EC$100,000, it is now quite difficult to make any sense of the investment, especially since it has been uselessly sitting at the Buccament Playing Field in the same position for the past ten months – citing an apparently irresolvable electro-mechanical problem. The SVGFF is therefore left with a dull 20% grade on this foolhardy investment – noble intention, pitiful plan.
New Sheriff in Town
Finally I proceed to the matter of the appointment of a Technical Director of the SVGFF. The name Sammy Carrington is now nothing but a vague memory, as there is a new Sheriff in town – the name, Mr. Colwyn Rowe.
The Comrade remains a staunch advocate for great emphasis being placed on the development of talents, abilities and skills. As it pertains to football in SVG, this should be the direct responsibility of the Technical Director as appointed by the Executive Committee of the SVGFF.
The duties of the Technical and Development Committee of the SVGFF is clearly outlined in Article 23 of the organization’s constitution. While the duties of a Technical Director are not explicitly outlined in the constitution, Article 23 provides sufficient guidance for this responsibility. However, it appears that the newly appointed Technical Director has been granted duties and clout far beyond that guided by Article 23.
The execution of the duties outlined in Article 23 would under any circumstance be considered as extremely tedious – tedious enough to keep any Technical Director awfully busy. It therefore means that the combination of the roles of the country’s sole Technical Director and coach of two national teams is nothing short of impractical and a recipe for continued under-development. This is precisely the case with Mr. Rowe’s current portfolio, and it is advised that the Executive Committee of the SVGFF move swiftly to correct this recurring imprudence.
Mr. Rowe must be given the opportunity to focus on his primary duty suggested to be the coordination of those activities outlined in Article 23. This SVGFF’s dismal grade in this instance is by no means based on the appointment of Mr. Rowe, rather the outline of his duties and the limits of his authority. The Executive Committee has totally lost its bearing on this matter, and there is now no way of telling exactly who is in control – The Executive Committee or Mr. Rowe.
I am at this point reminded of The Comrade versus Stanford debacle, and we all know how that went – apparently all except the Executive Committee of the SVGFF. So Comrade, for the sake of the unimpeded development of talents, abilities, and skills and the general welfare of the national football programme, can you please teach them a thing or two?